Tatting and Hand Dyed Thread (HDT) are not addictions, they are a way of life. Official member of HDTA
Sunday, December 27, 2009
"Vision" in HDT
Monday, November 30, 2009
Mail Call
Now this is not just your every day plain card this " Ray of Sunshine" card is a wonderful Get Well card from Sherry ( Lady ShuttleMaker ) and imagine my delight when I opened it and found one of sherry's "Pen Hook's".
Now I don't know how much everyone knows about Sherry's Pen Hooks but they are fantastic and the price makes them a must have for every tatter. The way they keep your crochet hook handy but not in the way is fantastic and they do not roll away on you like a crochet hook does which drives me crazy. They come decorated in a variety of ways. For more information here is the link. By the way I think the quote Sherry put on mine is perfect. Thank You Sherry.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
This is a picture of tropical flowers that Laura, Tattycat, sent me to cheer me up and it worked. I think they are wonderful and they remind me of my trips to Hawaii.
Monday, November 16, 2009
My Health- An Update
I would just like to take this opportunity to thank the tatting community for all your thoughts and support during this horrible time. It has really helped. I will keep everyone updated.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Finally, Back to Tatting
These two hearts where made using a pattern from The Tarnished Tatter. The heart was designed as a fund raiser for Tracy who was diagnosed with breast cancer. The pattern can be found here. Along with the heart you will find other patterns and links to her many books. Be sure to visit her blog, I know you will find something fun to tat.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I Will Survive

To give you a bit of history I am a 48 year old male who has a severe case of osteoporosis. 8 weeks a go I was helping my partner lift a ladder and when we where done I had a sharp pain in my hip. The next day the pain was worse so I saw my doctor and she referred me to an orthopedic surgeon who x rayed my back and hip and then did a MRI. His conclusion was that there was no breaks and just a slightly herniated disc that should calm down and I would be fine. Over the next 8 weeks I returned to see the doctor 3 times and was in excruciating pain. I was only able to walk a couple steps using two canes, without stopping because of the pain. The most sleep I got in a night during the 8 weeks was 2 hours a night. Finally on my third visit to the doctors I stressed that I could not go on with the pain I was in and she told me there was no reason for the pain it was just in my head. I did not leave the appointment and insisted on how serious it was and that she has 5 days to find out why I was in so much pain. She finally agreed to send me for a nuclear bone density scan of my body. Last Thursday I had my scan and they found that my hip is indeed broken. I see the surgeon today to find out what they are going to do about it. I called my osteoporosis specialist and told him what had happened and he told me that he has had a few cases in his practice where this has happened. I cannot begin to explain the hell I have gone through in the past 8 weeks with pain. It is something I want to try and save anyone I know from.
My reason for telling you this is if you have osteoporosis and you think you have broken something because of the pain, if they do an x ray and a catscan or MRI and do not come up with a satisfactory answer insist on a nuclear bone scan as it will find things the other tests can miss. This also goes for other health problems if you do not get a satisfactory answer insist on more tests or second opinions until you get the proper answer. Remember it is you we are talking about here and you are worth it.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Rock and Gem Show
I hope you enjoyed the show and keep and eye on this blog for future shows of our Rock, Gem and Fossil collections. Happy tatting everyone and be sure to mention this blog to your friends.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
I Believe
I made the big move and bought an Ott Lite. All I can say is I am a believer and why did I not buy this years a go. This light is everything and more that people say it is. It is amazing how much better you can see the thread with this light. All I can say is go ahead treat yourself, you deserve it and you will be so happy you did. The reason I choose this model is because it took the highest watt bulb and stood over my shoulder out of the way.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I Did It and Boy Am I Proud

Friday, September 4, 2009
Giveaway Winner

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Good Luck everyone.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Garden Tour GIVEAWAY
UPDATE: The 2 bookmarks have been won but to keep people interested in viewing the Garden Tour I have added a THIRD PRIZE, another bookmark. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment about the Garden Tour and your name will be entered in a draw to be held September 3, 2009. One entry per person.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Rainbow Test
What is says about you: You are a creative person. You appreciate beauty and craftsmanship. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you've mastered it.
Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.
I usually do not put much interest in these quizzes but this one hit it right on the head. It described me very well and was a pleasant surprise. You might want to give it a try you may be surprised.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I Am So Happy

Oh it feels so good to finally be able to get some tatting done. I cannot believe how much I have missed being able to pick up the shuttles and escape into the creative world of tatting. To watch as delicate lace magically appears from my moving hands and to feel like I am accomplishing something even when I am relaxing in front of the TV.
This is the start of the second panel for Robert's heirloom piece. It is a bit tedious but I know he is going to love it when it is finished.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Getting Better Thank You
Now for the positive news. I now walk using a cane or walker and it has reduced my falls and made walking much safer. I have come to accept that I will always be with some degree of migraine and that I am doing all I can medically and non-medically to deal with it. I accept it for what it is and live with it. I got a second opinion on my iron and a referral to a new hospital and it is there policy to give transfusions if your iron is 25 or below and I am receiving my 4th of 10 weekly infusions this week after waiting 2 years. Finally I will feel like I have some energy and to do the least little thing in life will not be a major effort. I have medication for the bleeding ulcers and have bought a Lazy-boy recliner for the bedroom. My Family doctor has approved a dramatic increase in my pain medications and now the pain level is a 10 on a scale of 10 instead of a 14. I am in the process of appealing the government's decision to deny funding for my osteoporosis treatment. I will do my best to deal with it and it is a big improvement over what it was.
As I am getting used to this new balance in my life I am finally able to start back at tatting so I hope to be posting some pictures soon. Yes things are getting a bit better Thank You.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Happy Birthday Clyde

Monday, July 13, 2009
Number 100
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Ali Is Getting Better
Friday, July 3, 2009
What I Am Up Too
The tatting demonstration went well and was enjoyed by all. People really appreciated the gift of a small piece of tatting. There where a few who knew how to tat but have not done it in many years so if there is enough interest not only will there be a beginners class there will be a refresher course.
On a sad note. When I got home today my little dog Ali could not use her one back leg. I took her to the vet and there is nothing broken or displaced so she thinks it may have something to do with the spinal cord. If she gets any worse I will have to have her put down as I will not allow her to suffer in any way. She has been to kind not to be treated with great love. Please keep Ali in your thoughts.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Two Latest Bloomers
The bloom is a blend of so many colours yellow, brown, purple, pink, white just to name a few.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Heirloom Center Piece

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Honestly The Dog Ate It.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Redecorating Revealed
I was really happy with the bedspread set that I found as the burgundy stripe in it was a perfect match for the walls. I don't know about others but I like a bedspread that goes to the floor and with having a water-bed you have no use for a bed skirt so I used it to make a large bolster pillow for the foot of the bed.
At the foot of the bed is my favorite blanket chest of the many that we own. It is an antique, hand carved Chinese, camphor lined blanket chest and I love how the red tones of the wood blend with the room.
Stained glass figures decorate the window that is dressed with wooden blinds and curtain panels of linen and lace in cream.
The picture over the bed was painted by a friend and the frame was made by my neighbor and I finished it by painting it with the trim paint and then dry brushing it with a dark green stain. I am very happy with how it turned out as I have been looking for a frame for this picture for 13 years.
The last special feature is for night time and that is the copper lanterns and picture with a light. The copper lanterns have pillar candles in them that are lit with LED lights and run of rechargeable batteries. They actually flicker like real candles and you cannot tell them from the real thing. The picture is lit with a battery powered LED so there are no hanging cords.
I hope you enjoyed your tour and please leave feedback as I would be interested in your thoughts on the redecorating.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Change in the World
1. go to your documents/pictures.
2. go to your 5th file.
3. go to your 5th picture.
4. blog about it.
5. tag 5 people …...
Okay so here it goes. I am going to my pictures and the fifth file is labeled Christmas 2008 and the fifth picture is.....
This is a plaque that was given to me by a special neighbour who I helped for 6 months. There cat was borderline kidney failure so I would go to there house every two to three nights and give there cat an IV treatment. They where amazed that I would do something so kind and not accept payment and I told them that I wanted to see people be nice and caring to each other and the way to help get that going was to set the example. The words on the plaque are a quote from Gandhi who amazed me with how he tried to change things for the better in the world, but did it in a meek and mild way and by setting an example. I truly believe these words that if we want change it has to begin with ourselves because we can only control ourselves and hopefully others will follow our example and make the change in there lives. If others do not change at least you can feel good about yourself and what you are doing and that is what is important.
I am not going to tag anyone but instead leave it open to anyone who would like to participate to tag themselves and have some fun with it.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Life Is Full Of Bumps And Bruises

Friday, April 24, 2009
Laura Update

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
How Is Laura Doing?
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Start of Roberts' Heirloom Piece
This is the start of the Heirloom tatted piece I am making for my son Robert. It is the Pattern called the Grid from Tatting Patterns and Designs by Gun Blomqvist and Elwy Persson. It is tatted in YarnPlayers Fern HDT size 80. If you have not had the opportunity to tat with some of YarnPlayers HDT yet I would highly recommend that you treat yourself to some as I can guarantee you will not be disappointed. It adds a whole new flavour to your tatting. I am making one small change in the pattern and that is I am rotating the center of the motif one picot as I like the way it lines up better. Let me know what you think if you are familiar with the pattern. I would be interested in your feedback.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Matching Dolies and Heirlooms
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
New Tatters

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
International Tatting Day
Oh what could be better than International Tatting Day. I think I like it better than Christmas. What a wonderful thing to have an excuse to spend a day tatting and eating chocolate. This years challenge is to see how many kinds of chocolate I can eat in one day. The only problem is it is a bit tricky not getting chocolate on your tatting. That would never do or I would have to eat my tatting, can't waste good chocolate. Maybe for next year I will invent chocolate thread. What a way to end the day, by eating one's tatting.

Saturday, March 21, 2009
The Joy of Tatting

Monday, March 16, 2009
All is Well
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thoughts and Prayers
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
My Favorite HDT
This is how it looks when it has been tatted into a doily. Isn't it beautiful.
Here is the new home for the doily. I think it looks perfect under the antique cranberry glass lamp. What a fitting home for a piece of fine lace and it is just that much more special knowing that I was the one who made it. Yes I am proud.