Oh it feels so good to finally be able to get some tatting done. I cannot believe how much I have missed being able to pick up the shuttles and escape into the creative world of tatting. To watch as delicate lace magically appears from my moving hands and to feel like I am accomplishing something even when I am relaxing in front of the TV.
This is the start of the second panel for Robert's heirloom piece. It is a bit tedious but I know he is going to love it when it is finished.
I'm glad you're feeling well enough to tat again! Don't overdo it, though... we'll all wait patiently for your posts!
It's a wonderful thing to feel like tatting again! Thank you for sharing your beautie tatting again! Thank you forsharing your beautiful work with the rest of us; your tatting friends!
Your piece is lovely, Clyde!
I agree with you; it IS a satisfying experience to be accomplishing a tiny work of thread art whilst sitting in front of the TV. It always feels like it's been productive instead of a waste of time! :)
~TattingChic ♥
I am glad you are feeling better I was just gonna ask if anyone has heard from you... I did email you back through etsy, dont know if you got it but I would also like your snail mail address, please I have something I want to send to you I wanted it to be a surprise :)
Have a good day and take it easy...
Oops! I meant to say "beautiful tatting" ...LOL! NOT "beautie" tatting...I'm afraid the keyboard got away from me...yeah, that's it...they keyboard did it....it's the keyboard's fault...not the keyboard operator's fault, LOL!
~TattingChic ♥
Glad you're feeling up to tatting Clyde. Life is good.
I'm so glad you're feeling better, Clyde! Your tatting is lovely and I'm a huge fan of the green :)
Wow! I am so happy that you are so happy! The tatting is beautiful and I know Robert is going to be thrilled with it when you are finished. It is a blessing to wake up to this post with you feeling better.
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