To everyone who follows my blog I would really appreciate it if you could include my son Robert in your thoughts and your prayers Monday as he under goes heart surgery.I will be sure to let everyone know how he is doing as soon as I am able. Thank you.
Clyde - my thots and prayers are with all of you and the hospital team working on him in surgery and recovery!
We will hold all in the Light!
Our thoughts and prayers are definitely with Robert and the rest of you as you go through this difficult time. A large part of my prayers will be that this is the beginning of the rest of his life - a life of feeling better!
Clyde, I am sending positive thoughts and my prayers are with you all.
We are so sorry to hear your son is in need of surgery, Clyde. We will keep him and you in our thoughts and prayers.
Dave and Jo
Will keep him in my prayers.
I will keep Robert and you in my thoughts and prayers, Clyde.
My prayers are with your family.
Sending all the love and support you all can absorb!
I will send positive vibes to help you all on Monday. Hope the surgery goes well. Take care
Sorry to hear that your son is having such serious health issues. I'll say a prayer! :)
Best of luck to your boy in his heart surgery. God bless.
my thoughts and prayers are with you Clyde! I pray all goes well!
I hope things will go well for your son Robert.
I hope everything will proceed somoothly for all of you - take care of each other.
You and Robert have my prayers!
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers I am sure they will help things go well on Monday.
I hope things go well for your son. Whatever influence I might have with the powers-that-be, I'll use in your behalf.
You know that you all are in our prayers always and even more so at a time like this.
Heart Surgery! How old is your son? My thoughts are with you and your family
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