Well yesterday was the last day of tatting lessons for my three students and I am proud to say there are three new tatters in the world today.I had a lot of fun teaching these ladies the basics of tatting and it reminded me on more than one occasion what it was like when I learned to tat. According to the exit questionnaires my students where pleased with the lessons and the instructor and would recommend the lessons to their friends. It was so much fun to be able to show them the double stitch and see the look on their faces when they realized they had gotten the flip. Although they where not 100% confident in themselves and there new found knowledge they can do it. Now it is just a matter of practice. Congratulations ladies.
Congratulations to both the teacher and the students! I hope we get to see blog entries of their tatting soon!
Kudos to you for your willingness nad desire to pass the craft on. This is what keeps tatting alive and inspires even more design and growth.
Excellent! More tatters! Let's hope word gets around about the tatting lessons, so there can be even more. Congratulations on a job well done.
It is wonderful that you are passing your knowledge along to others! Way to go!
Heh, heh, heh, the addiction grows. Soon, soon, we will cover the world in lace, bwahahaha...Hmm, sorry, this isn't Mad Lacers of the World? Oh. Um, nevermind.
What a great feeling of accomplishment you must all have. Congratulations.
Well done to both teacher and students! There can newer be too many tatters in the world!
A good job, well done, Clyde!
Congratulations to your students and to you as their teacher!
Whoo hoo!
Congratulations to you and your students! This proves again tatting isn't a 'dying art'!
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