I finally finished the row that seemed it would never end. I don't know why but this row just seemed to take forever and it was not fun to do which is unusual for me. I am looking forward to finishing this doily but there is still a ways to go so I have to remember patience, patience. I am really happy with the progress so far and it is going to be one heck of a doily.
Clyde, I don't know what else to say but WOW. I clicked on the picture for a close up and it is georgous!
This is absolutely stunning. I am glad you are through with the round which wasn't fun. Now, on with the show!
How many inches in diameter is it, Clyde? ...and...LOL...could it be that the reason this row took forEVER is because you ran out of thread and couldn't find any from anyone and Yarnplayer dyed a new batch mostly for you? Could that be the reason? It's a stunner and will be well worth all the trouble when you're finished.
Thank you very much Bonnie, Laura and Tatting Chic. The doily is 14 inches across as we speak and growing. I am guessing the finished size will be about 16 to 17 inches across and I will have used 13 to 16 skeins of HDT.
That piece is stunning! I have a piece of driftwood I've been working on for about three years now...LOL...it's a love/hate relationship :) Jo
It is absolutely gorgeous. And all that patience, wow.
It is breath takingly beautiful! What an undertakeing. Impressive!
Georgeous so far, Clyde! Occassionally it happens, where you get a row that seems never ending. But you've done that now, so look forward and enjoy the rest.
Your doily is beautiful, Clyde! I think you have far more patience than I do!
It's gorgeous Clyde. I know what you mean about the neverending row. It's all those repeated motifs. You finish a motif which doesn't take very long, but then you start again so it feels like your doing the same bit over and over again. Besides that, it's B-O-R-I-N-G and you get to the point where you just want it done so you can get onto something more interesting.
Clyde you must start photographing this with a ruler or something in the photo so that we can get a perspective of size and delicacy.
This is lovely beyond words...I am glad you haven't given up during the tiresome portions.
Wonderful work Clyde and looking forward to see the completion of this.
Yes, I suppose tatters is a group of people with the highest degree of patience when you think of how repetitive it can be, especially working on large pieces or long edgings. But it would have been worth it at the end. Each one is a masterpiece on its own.
Wow, simply amazing. I have no idea how you can manage to do something so intricate as this. It must take weeks! Fantastic
I was wondering just how big this thing was going to get but I see you answered that already. (g) We shall keep cheering you onward!
:-) Gina
Thank you everyone for your kind comments. The journey of the doily carries on and I have 1 1/2 rows to go.
Your doily is fantastic, and I am sure your daughter is very proud of you and your talents.She will have this to cherish for years to come.It truly is an Heirloom
Congratulations on the finish, and WOW size 80 HDT. I love Marilee's thread too.
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