Well the doily continues to grow. I did not get a lot of time to tat over Christmas but I am now on row 8 of 17 and I must say that I am falling in love with this doily. I think that even if the finished size is going to be to big for where I was planning on using it I am going to do the 17 rows. I am also starting to think about the possibility of designing and publishing a book of tatted doily patterns as I am finding that the ones that are for sale are not ideal as patterns for all levels of tatters and are afraid to show what it would be like to tat doilies in colourful hand dyed threads.
Oh, you are right. It is so beautiful and you must finish all 17 rows. I am also very excited about the idea of you publishing a book of your own doilies. We need it desperately and you would do a great job. Your tatting is so precise and your eye for colour is amazing. Please do it!
Your doilies look absolutely gorgeous! The greens are very pretty together to. I like your new site also.
OMG! This is lovely - and you are only at the 8th row! Waiting with full anticipation for you to reach the 17th.
And Good Luck with your book. It would be very exciting.
Clyde, I have done the same doily many years ago and I have mine under glass on a coffee table. I will photograph it one day and publish it on my blog. You must do all the rounds, it is well worth the effort!
Clyde, the doily is beautiful! I'd love to have a book by you in my collection! Let us know when it's ready!
Can't wait to see it finished. Good work!
Wonderful work, and I will be waiting in line when the book comes out.
I love to see your work, Clyde, as so I thought that I would make you one of my three tags.
Here's the rules:1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.3. Tag 3 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs
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