Tatting and Hand Dyed Thread (HDT) are not addictions, they are a way of life. Official member of HDTA
Friday, November 7, 2008
Tis The Season
I remember reading a few months ago some tatting members posts that said they did not gift their tatting as it was not appreciated. Now I can understand how awful it would feel to gift a piece of tatting to someone and for them to not appreciate it. I mean what a waste of time and effort and there are a lot of people who would be more than happy to receive a piece of tatting as a gift. Luckily for me I have 8 people on my gift list who are only to happy to receive a piece of tatting for a Christmas gift. They all appreciate the time and effort that goes into making there gift and they treasure them each year. I enjoy making there gifts as it means more to me than just going out to the mall and purchasing something and it gives me a chance to share a bit of me. The bonus this year is that with the way the economy is, homemade gifts are going to be a lot more common.
In case you were wondering this years gift is Ruth Perry's Celtic Snowflake which I know everyone will love.
As usual great workL This white would be a great contrast on a green tree while the other would look great on a white tree. I hope you plan on keeping enough to do your own tree. If we get things worked out to visit around Christmas it would be a tree I would love to see. Once again, great work your talent really shows itself in all of your tatting.
Thank you everyone for your compliments. I agree that these snowflakes will be treasured and maybe some Celtic snow will fall your way Dan. I am using size 20 thread Marilee as I find it shows off the Celtic work better.
Beautiful as usual. Nice to see that I'm not the only one planning on giving away Celtic Snowflakes this year. Are all of the ones you plan on giving away going to be white? Or will some be in HDT?
The link to the pattern is working now. I will be tatting the snowflakes in both white and HDT. I can't wait to see peoples faces when they receive these snowflakes for Christmas.
As usual great workL This white would be a great contrast on a green tree while the other would look great on a white tree. I hope you plan on keeping enough to do your own tree. If we get things worked out to visit around Christmas it would be a tree I would love to see. Once again, great work your talent really shows itself in all of your tatting.
This beautiful snowflake would make a treasured Christmas keepsake!
This is wonderful. I'm sure all of the recipients will be thrilled.
Your snowflake is lovely and your recipients are lucky! :)
Truly beautiful! Is that in size 80?
Thank you everyone for your compliments. I agree that these snowflakes will be treasured and maybe some Celtic snow will fall your way Dan. I am using size 20 thread Marilee as I find it shows off the Celtic work better.
NOw this would be snow that I would be truely glad to see come my way!!!
Beautiful as usual. Nice to see that I'm not the only one planning on giving away Celtic Snowflakes this year. Are all of the ones you plan on giving away going to be white? Or will some be in HDT?
Your snowflake is lovely. The Celtic leaves make me swoon! Thank you for posting the link to Ruth's pattern. I couldn't wait to try it out!
Your snowflake is breathtaking! I love the simplicity of the white. I can't get your link to work - am I missing something?
The link to the pattern is working now. I will be tatting the snowflakes in both white and HDT. I can't wait to see peoples faces when they receive these snowflakes for Christmas.
If you love to see what people are doing with tatting and what you do is very beautiful.
I tate in size 80 and you can see it on my web-site http://ancolie.over-blog.net
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