We have a special maple tree in our backyard that is very pretty. It is a Celtic Maple and the leaves are changing colour and are falling off. It is a very rare tree and I have not seen one anywhere else. Here is a picture of the leaves as they fall from the tree.
On to a completely different topic. With all the talk of acid rain, pollution and global warming I think we are in for some big changes. One thing that is going to change that I do not think people have thought of is that the colour of snowflakes is going to change. As it passes through the sky it is going to pick up pollution and I think it is going to look something like this.

Of course the Celtic part is just wishful thinking and I must thank Ruth Perry for that and the colour inspiration is Marilee's (YarnPlayer) Knitty Gritty size 30. Actually snow might not be so bad if it was this pretty
Clyde, when are we going to get the pattern for that beautiful celtic leaf!?! Lucky you to have such tree, LOL! Well, when acid rain gets to be that bad and that is what acid snowflakes look like I'm wondering if we'll still be alive to see them. :( sad thought, let's not go there. Pretty flake. Aren't Marilee's colors fun to tat with?
Beautiful leaves, Clyde! I wonder if we can grow those Celtic Maple trees here in central Oregon? ;)
That "acid rain" snowflake is really pretty. I guess that's what snow will look like when we reach the "Blade Runner" days.
LOL, what a funny posting - even though it is also a bit scary.
Lovely tatting and threads.
LOL! Clever post, and clever tatting, too. Those are fabulous pieces!
Don't know the solution to the world's problems such as global warming - maybe if we all recycle our plastic and metals it will help. But no need to go as far as un-tatting an old piece just to recycle the thread, LOL!
Point to ponder: tatting will be treasured for hundreds of years - continuing to bring cheer to those yet unborn future people living in that brave new world.
Marilee's colours are wonderful to tat with. I wish everyone could grow Celtic Maple trees, the leaves are so pretty.
I think we are doing our bit to save the planet after all who is going to throw away a piece of thread after it has been hand dyed and tatted.
Wow! Where can I get a tree like that? I would leave the leaves on the ground all year so I could look at them!
I agree about snow not being so bad if it looked like that. You did a beautiful job on the snowflake.
The leaves are gorgeous! Lucky man to have such a tree! And the snowflake aint bad, either - 'acid rain' or not.
I would love to be able to decorate my christmas tree with snowflakes lake that one. Great work.
I love the leaves! They make me very nostalgic! LOL on the snowflake, yours is beautiful but I really hope real snowflakes stay white!
Tattycat I will take a cutting off the tree and see if I can start you one. Daniel, maybe Santa will send you some Celtic snowflakes. Tattridy, yes I feel very lucky to have such a special Maple tree. Sherry I hope the snow stays white also but I worry about it.
Beautiful leaves - thanks for sharing. Stay well and thankful. Peg
Celtic Maple sounds like my kind of tree! I love the snowflake. Knitty Gritty is one of my favorite threads!
The maple leaves are phantastic, the thread also.
I see I was not the only one hit by whatever took the pictures away. I felt so bad until I see it has happened to someone else also. I was going to try and fix all of mine, but decided it would take just to much time. Sorry this happened to you to.
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