This is a doily I just finished making using Lady Shuttlemakers Silk Hand Dyed Thread size 60 colour Middle Earth. The pattern is just one I made up as I went along.
Below is a picture of the doily that I am giving away along with 50 yards of Middle Earth HDT, size 60. All you have to do to be entered is to leave a comment with your name. Good luck. Deadline is thursday noon.

Due to the overwhelming response to my giveaway I have decided to change it a little to give more people a chance to win. There will now be 3 prizes.
1. The green doily
2. 50 yard skein of Middle Earth HDT size 60 by Lady Shuttlemaker
3. A small skein of Peace HDT size 80 by Yarnplayer
So pretty - I love it!
That doily would make a lovely anniversary present to my parents!!
Please count me in!
This is beautiful! Of course enter me for the give away. Your work is sooo nice. Thanks for the daily inspiration! You have so many wonderful talents.
Suz C
It is beautiful.
What lovely doilies! I would love to be entered in your giveaway!
Thank you for brightening my day by sharing such beauty with the world.
PS - Happy Birthday! You share the day with tgree special people in my life.... and Princess Diana's wedding. Remember when that was "THE" Royal Wedding? :-)
Clyde, I can hardly believe that you're having a drawing for one of your gorgeous doilies! Please count me in. I'd be honored to win one of your fabulous pieces!
Hope this gets posted this time.
Love that dainty doily Clyde! Must have taken you hours to do.
Please enter me into the drawing and thank you!
I also live in Canada
That doily is beautiful. Thank you for the opportunity for this giveaway!
So very lovely. I'm just teaching myself needle tatting and can't imagine completing a work that large YET! I've also got a long way to go to get the tension as consistent. Congratulations on what is obviously a labor of love. - Kerry
Beautiful tatting!!!
Your work is lovely. As a relatively new tatter I am always inspired by the generosity of other tatters, sharing their ideas, photos of their work, etc. Your blog is wonderful too, and have had fun looking around. The quotations are thought provoking and uplifting. Thank you.
Sue H
Beautiful doily!! Please include me in your drawing.
Both are really beautiful and would look so great in my house. So I must enter my name.
I love the doily it is really beautiful. Please enter me in the giveaway.
Beautiful Clyde. Are you the one that teaches tatting at the Canada get together?
Lovre the doilies and the colors.
Awesome giveaway! I'd love to win this.
You've been busy! I've never worked with silk thread, is it as nice to work with as it is to look at?
I'd love to be entered in for the drawing...thanks so much for having a giveaway, it is very generous of you.
Your doily is very pretty and I "just the spot" for it. Please add my name in the drawing.
Beautiful work. Love the colors. Thank you for the chance.
What a lovely doily. Both of them are and such a generous gift.
this is beautiful
i'm new to tatting
just started learning to use a shuttle
please enter me in your giveway
Oh Clyde, these are beautiful. Great job and I love your blog. Hugs, Eileened
Green is the colour for Healing - it would be wonderful for my son.
Thanks, that's so generous of you. It is beautiful. I want in!
I really like the middle earth doily. Excellent designing.
The Doily is really pretty. I would be proud to own it. Thanks for your generosity.
Shirley b.
Oh what at beautiful doily! Whoever receives it will certainly love it--I hope it is me! (I've also never tatted with silk thread, so that would be a new adventure.)
Beautiful doilies - would love to win your give-away. Thanks for the opportunity to enter. Robert, in northern Iowa.
Oh, my goodness....please count me in!
Beautiful work!!
This is a beautiful doily. I am curious how does silk thread work in tatting? It is very difficult to embroidery with. Even though it would stand to reason it would be better because it would not be as bad because there would be less abrasion. I would love to have your beautiful piece enter me in please.
The doilies are lovely and I would be honored to win! Thanks for haviing this giveaway.
Beautiful Clyde, you always do such good work. and your photography can brighten anyone's day. Thank you for such a generous giveaway. I would love to win
Your work is beautiful. amazing that you made it up as you went along. Count me in on the giveaway and thank you for your generosity.
Your work is always soooo beautiful, I would be really honoured to own one of your doilies, Clyde!
Both of your doilies are so lovely. Please enter me in your generous giveaway.
It's beautiful, Clyde! Please enter me in the giveaway :)
Beautifully done doilies! Creative use of not only the thread and their colors but also of the patterns themselves! The airy-ness of the first one is quite appealing but I love the clover motifs!
I'll jump in for a chance at the thread and doily, too!
Pheebes in NC
Beautiful tatting, Clyde, as always.
Arlene M
Oh wow! How generous you are to give away your beautiful creation. Count me in.
Both are beautiful doilies. You are very creative to make a new pattern like this as you go. I'm still a newbie at tatting, but enjoying it.
ohhhh my gosh... its very elegant.. such an honor it would be to become so lucky to own this.. thanks for the opportunity...
Thank you for creating and sharing beauty.
That doily would make a nice present to ME...I never get anything! What a nice thing to do, you sure are a generous person....
Your doilies are beautiful, Clyde. I'd love to be included in the giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.
Wonderful work on the doilies and beautiful thread. Count me in please.
Gorgeous! Please enter me in the drawing.
Your doiley is delightful,like all the tatting you do. It will be a joy for ever. Thanks for the chance to enter your draw.
Beautiful work!! Would love to have this in my home.. Love the pictures of flowers you post.
Linda in NM
Awesome as your tatting ALWAYS is!!
What beautiful tatting! Would love to win a doily as I probably will never get one done.
Beautiful, beautiful work. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks, Ilene
What an absolutely FABULOUS giveaway! You're so generous, Clyde! I would love a chance to win any of those wonderful gifts! Your work is gorgeous as always and you know what an HDT addict I am! ;)
~TattingChic ♥
P.S. it's awesome to see a tatting post from you, blogging buddy! :)
hi clyde! both doilies are just amazing! please count me in! hope I will be lucky this time!
Your doilies are beautiful!!
In the past, I entered contests and never won anything I ever wanted so I gave up. Seeing your doily gave me hope so I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and making this fun.
Please enter my name in the drawing. :o)
Lovely color green!
ell done- I want to try this patten myself.
Thanks for the share and contest and count me in.
beautiful doilies
Very generous. Please include my name, too!
Always, Lelia
Stitches of Life II
Sooooooo pretty!
Your Doilies are lovely!
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