_____ Alan Watts

I finally managed to get some time to do a bit of tatting and this cute butterfly is from Lady Shuttlemakers new book ..The Exquisite Collection of Tatted Butterflies II Original Tatting Book (click here) If you are thinking about buying this book I would recommend it as the Butterflies are wonderful and Lady Shuttlemaker does a great job writing and illustrating patterns so you can understand them easily.
I have not been able to do much tatting since December as the pain I have been living with makes it impossible to concentrate on anything on anything for any length of time. As you may remember I had hip surgery in November, well unfortunately the surgery did not help and I have been in incredible pain since then. I am finally booked for a hip replacement on April 13. I am looking forward to the surgery and being able to returning to a more normal life and being able to enjoy tatting.
Clyde, I'm so sorry to hear that you are still in so much pain. I'm hoping that this hip replacement will do the trick for you. Best of Luck! ((HUGS))
I'm really sorry to hear of your pain, Clyde. It won't be long now until the 13th April, and I hope your hip replacement goes very well. It should transform your life!
I hope the surgery goes well! My dad has had his hip replaced twice. He says it's well worth it, and not nearly so much trouble as the knee replacement.
Thank you everyone for your encouragement. I am really looking forward to my surgery and the relief I know it will bring.
Hang in there - maybe they'll have a cancellation and get you in there earlier!
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