Monday, August 24, 2009

Garden Tour GIVEAWAY

Well I have decided to present the pictures of my gardens in a different format this year. They are in a slide show and it is about 4 1/2 minutes long and presents some interesting shots that will make you have to guess as to what they are. Now for the fun part. The GIVEAWAY. There are pictures of two plants that where on the planet or are a direct descendant of a plant that was on the planet when dinosaurs roamed the earth. The first person to guess which plant it is and give the correct common name for it will win a bookmark tatted in HDT by yours truly. Good luck and I hope you have fun. Please leave a way to contact you.

UPDATE: The 2 bookmarks have been won but to keep people interested in viewing the Garden Tour I have added a THIRD PRIZE, another bookmark. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment about the Garden Tour and your name will be entered in a draw to be held September 3, 2009. One entry per person.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Rainbow Test

Your rainbow is shaded violet.


What is says about you: You are a creative person. You appreciate beauty and craftsmanship. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you've mastered it.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

I usually do not put much interest in these quizzes but this one hit it right on the head. It described me very well and was a pleasant surprise. You might want to give it a try you may be surprised.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I Am So Happy

Oh it feels so good to finally be able to get some tatting done. I cannot believe how much I have missed being able to pick up the shuttles and escape into the creative world of tatting. To watch as delicate lace magically appears from my moving hands and to feel like I am accomplishing something even when I am relaxing in front of the TV.

This is the start of the second panel for Robert's heirloom piece. It is a bit tedious but I know he is going to love it when it is finished.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Getting Better Thank You

My body is telling me it is getting older and some parts of it are wearing down. I suffer from a joint deterioration problem that is really effecting my knees and causes them to pop out of joint when ever they please thus causing me to fall flat on my face. Not fun. It also causes the knees to be a constant source of considerable pain. I am also "blessed" with chronic migraines that happen on a constant basis and I have not had a day with out a migraine in 14 years. Yes I said 14 years. I have been anemic for the past two years with an iron level of 11, the hospital here will not give you an infusion until your level reaches 10. I have 2 bleeding ulcers and must sleep sitting up because of the heartburn. Now my body has decided to be real funny and make me feel real old by giving me severe osteoporosis. To make matters worse my bone density scan shows severe damage and I have vertebrae fractures. Now I have been dealing with a lot of pain but these past few months it has been unbearable and the reason you have not been seeing many pictures of tatting on my blog is I have been in to much pain to do anything.
Now for the positive news. I now walk using a cane or walker and it has reduced my falls and made walking much safer. I have come to accept that I will always be with some degree of migraine and that I am doing all I can medically and non-medically to deal with it. I accept it for what it is and live with it. I got a second opinion on my iron and a referral to a new hospital and it is there policy to give transfusions if your iron is 25 or below and I am receiving my 4th of 10 weekly infusions this week after waiting 2 years. Finally I will feel like I have some energy and to do the least little thing in life will not be a major effort. I have medication for the bleeding ulcers and have bought a Lazy-boy recliner for the bedroom. My Family doctor has approved a dramatic increase in my pain medications and now the pain level is a 10 on a scale of 10 instead of a 14. I am in the process of appealing the government's decision to deny funding for my osteoporosis treatment. I will do my best to deal with it and it is a big improvement over what it was.
As I am getting used to this new balance in my life I am finally able to start back at tatting so I hope to be posting some pictures soon. Yes things are getting a bit better Thank You.