It is amazing the growth that tatting has has gone through over the years. When you think of how tatting started out as trim and doilies it has sure evolved into an art form that I think has more uses than was ever thought of just 50 years ago. Just take a look at some fellow tatters blogs. We have people creating jewelry, 3 dimension objects like a ginger bread house or chess set, Christmas ornaments just to name a few. Unlike the threads of old we have threads with amazing shades of colour and unique Hand Dyed Threads which blend colours in an amazing way, making sure that the item you are tatting is truly one of a kind. With the wonderful invention of the Internet we now have access to online classes with tatters from around the world and new tatting methods spread across the world in a matter of hours instead of weeks or months. We are also able to share our tatting with an audience that we would not have had access to 20 years ago. Is tatting a dying art? NO WAY it is a growing art and I am very happy to be a tatter at this time when it is progressing so fast. So pick up your shuttles or needles and take part of the tatting revolution. We are growing and we are having a blast. Well I am at least.