Tatting and Hand Dyed Thread (HDT) are not addictions, they are a way of life. Official member of HDTA
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
This was the doily I was doing for the tatting Olympics but I am going to get a DNF ( did not finish ) on it as I am going to take a break from it and test tat a doily for Linda called Starburst. The doily that I was working on was Party Time Doily from Traditional Tatting Patterns edited by Rita Weiss and is being made with Tourmaline Hand Dyed Thread from Yarnplayer size 80. This is my favorite thread that she makes so far.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Well here is an aerial view of the Turtle Mosaic Sculpture to give you a better view of the detail that makes up the sculpture. The thousands of plants have grown and been trimmed and now form a solid pattern. I think you will agree that it is pretty amazing what you can do with plants.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
A Gift of Tatting My partner's dad who is in his 80's and his cousin who is 87 came to visit us this week. They came to see our gardens and the cousin wanted to see my tatting as she used to tat when she was a bit younger ( as she put it ). When I showed her my collection of tatting all she could do was gasp and say she had never seen anything so beautiful. She was used to the basic tatting done in larger size thread and could not believe how fine the thread I use is. I took the opportunity to show her some of the techniques like the split ring and double picot and she was just amazed, but the best part for me was the look on her face when I gave her a doily to take home with her and the way it made her face glow with happiness. She said to me no one appreciates the gift of tatting like someone who knows how to tat. I was glad to be able to make her day.